Connect with Someone


Authentic Community
We believe Jesus was deeply interested in doing life together. His willingness to accept others was demonstrated over and over to people of all walks of life. We will, therefore, seek to live in authentic community in order to experience Jesus ourselves, and also to demonstrate his love to others. We will place hospitality as a high priority as we see this as a primary way of listening to and loving others.

The directory is a place to enter into community. By joining it you are saying yes to community, to phone chats, emails or hilarious memes. It’s a space for you to drop a note and grow deeper in relationship with others. Request your invite below to get started.


 Access the Directory

  1. Download the Church Centre App (set-up Lake Ridge as your church)

  2. Accept the planning centre invite from your email.

  3. Login in to your planning centre account

  4. Choose at the top to share your information.

  5. Double check info and edit to correct any profile info. Select the family members you wish to share.

  6. Save. Click Directory in the menu in the app.

Directory is accessible online & church centre app



The Directory is a private place for people at Lake Ridge to share contact info with one another. Please do not share contact info outside of the directory, but instead encourage others to sign-up and request to be in the directory.

Only people who have been invited and accepted to share their information in the directory will be able to see the directory. By entering your details, you accept and understand information will only be shared at your approval and agree to be contacted from people in the directory.