



Life gets messy and sometimes we need support. Hard things happen like losing a loved one, suffering from depression, dealing with an addiction, experiencing job loss, family tensions, marital conflict and parenting struggles. That’s ok. In fact, it’s normal.

God is with us in our pain and loves us in it. At Lake Ridge, we believe to be a healthy community of authentic Jesus followers – we need to give each other the grace to learn and seek support.  Often, it takes the wisdom of trusted people, like close friends, pastors and sometimes a qualified counsellor to walk with us.

We encourage you to ask for help. Whether that’s a pastor or a counsellor. It’s up to you. Below we’ve gathered a few resources of qualified counsellors and organizations in our community and surrounding area.


Connect with a Pastor

Our pastors are willing and honoured to be invited into your toughest seasons. Feel free to contact them.

Connect with a Counsellor

Qualified counsellors offer confidential support for individuals, couples and families. Find one that fits you.

Connect with a Spiritual Director

Spiritual direction is giving caring attention to your relationship with God, accompanied by the prayerful presence of someone who helps you listen well to Him.

Connect with A Counsellor for Kids & Youth

Hard things happen with parents, friends and school. Life can be hard at any age. That’s ok. In fact, it’s normal. Learn more on care and support for kids and youth.